The Chosen

With the Christmas season upon us, what better time to delve into the reason for Christmas, Jesus. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Israel and at the age of 30 began his work which involved healing the brokenhearted, bringing sight to the blind, setting free the oppressed, destroying the work of the devil, sharing the Good News, bringing peace and joy and saving sinners. To help do this work, Jesus chose 12 men and along the way accumulated a number of other followers.The Chosen is a multi-season TV series that focuses on Jesus, the 12 men he chose and others who became his followers. Being a historical drama, The Chosen is based on the Bible with artistic liberty taken to tell and connect stories and develop characters. As of today, four seasons have been released with a total of 34 episodes. Season five will soon be available, and more are in the works. The show can be watched on The Chosen website or through The Chosen app and is available in over 50 languages including Japanese. Being dependent on public support, it is one of the largest crowd-funded projects ever and also one of the most-watched shows with over 200 million viewers all over the world and over 770 million episode views as of June, 2024.

As I am very fond of the Bible and the Truth that it proclaims, I have greatly enjoyed watching The Chosen, and it has me brought me some deeper insights into the Bible. Aside from the wonderful story The Chose tells, it is very well made with excellent acting, costumes and sets. I heartily recommend this show to one and all. Merry Christmas.
