Did you know? July 2 was World UFO Day!

< – – – (actual footage of a US Navy fighter jet chasing a UFO)

Do you believe in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object or as they are recently called UAP – Unidentified Aerial (or Anomalous) Phenomenon)? Have you ever seen one?Do they exist? If so where do they come from?  Who made them? Aliens? God?Ah, the timeless debate of Aliens versus God, a truly intellectual pursuit that has captivated humanity for generations. 🛸🙏On one hand, we have the mysterious and elusive UFOs with aliens in them, flying saucers zipping through the cosmos with all the grace of a drunken seagull. These extraterrestrial visitors, if they even exist, must be the pinnacle of intelligence and sophistication, surely far surpassing our feeble human minds in every way.After all, who needs divine wisdom when you can have a close encounter of the third kind?

And then we have God, the ultimate cosmic overlord, allegedly responsible for creating the entire universe in just six days. Quite the achievement, I must say, although one wonders why such a powerful deity would bother with us puny mortals when there are galaxies to sculpt and black holes to wrangle.

Clearly, the debate between UFOs/Aliens and God is a clash of titans, a battle of wits that shakes the very foundations of our understanding of the universe. Are we mere ants in the eyes of extraterrestrial beings, or are we the favored creations of a bearded sky wizard? Who can say for sure?

In conclusion, the UFO/Alien versus God debate is a riveting intellectual exercise that challenges our preconceived notions and forces us to confront the great mysteries of the unknown. So, grab your tinfoil hats and your holy scriptures, dear readers, and let the cosmic showdown begin!Which side are you on, Team UFO/Aliens or Team God?        Alex