Gardening and Growing Your English

Spring is here, and with that comes the insatiable desire for many to grow something. Whether it is flowers, vegetables, herbs or all of the above, gardening is a great activity not only for the enjoyment that it brings but also because it can improve your English. Gardening involves a number of words that are both nouns and verbs. When a noun can be used as a verb, it is called “verbing” and English is full of them. Have you ever used a comb to comb your hair? So, let’s look at 10 gardening words that are both nouns and verbs.

1) Garden: Her beautiful garden shows she loves to garden.

2) Plant: He plants different seasonal plants every year.

3) Shovel: Get the shovel and shovel some dirt in the hole.

4) Rake: She used the rake to rake the leaves into a pile.

5) Mulch: It’s important to mulch your garden with good mulch.

6) Seed: They will seed their garden with seeds from last year’s plants.

7) Water: When you water your garden, the right amount of water is important.

8) Weed: A gardener needs to weed regularly since weeds grow so freely.

9) Flower: It is nice to have a variety of flowers so they don’t all flower at the same time.

10) Harvest: She harvested many vegetables, so she shared her harvest with her friends.
