
Easter. – It’s bunny time again.

The holiday that’s basically a rabbit-themed excuse to eat too much chocolate.

Another year, another egg hunt. It’s the time of year when we all gather ’round to celebrate by painting hard-boiled eggs and pretending a giant bunny hops around hiding them for us.

How delightful it is to participate in a tradition that perfectly captures the true essence of… chocolate eggs and pastel-colored decorations!  Let’s not forget the excitement of searching for plastic grass in our Easter baskets. And who can resist attending a parade where we commemorate a zombie-like figure rising from the dead? Oh, Easter, the pinnacle of logical holiday observances. So, grab your bonnets and your baskets, folks, and let’s revel in the absurdity of the commercialized, bunnified, egg-centric extravaganza that is Easter.

Because nothing says “holy resurrection” like a sugar-induced coma from all that candy!

So Hallelujah and pass the chocolate bunny!                                                                         Alex