A Flower Teaches English

A Flower Teaches English

While most people do not enjoy the rainy season, the hydrangea that bloom this time of year are truly something to look forward to. With Sogosando Temple and Tako Town having impressive displays, these wet weather loving plants can easily be enjoyed locally.

Aside from being beautiful, hydrangea can also teach English. Looking at the word ‘hydrangea’, we see that it starts with ‘hydra’ which is a variation of ‘hydro’ which means ‘water’ in Ancient Greek. Knowing this, anytime we see a word that has ‘hydra’ or ‘hydro’ we understand that it has something to do with water. Have you ever taken a hydrofoil from Tokyo to Oshima? Have you ever visited the hydropower plant at Kurobe Dam? How often do you drink something to keep yourself hydrated? Thanks to hydrangea, we now have a greater understanding of English.            Erik