


The final frontier.

Beautiful, isn’t it? When you look up in the dark sky and see those beautiful twinkling lights, do you ever wonder what’s it like to be up there, all alone, just you and the millions of stars? Well, some people have experienced that feeling, they are called cosmonauts. And not only humans, animals did too. The first animal that went into space and into orbit around the Earth was Laika, a dog. It was followed by the first man, Yuri Gagarin, he was only 27 years old. Next, the first and youngest woman on a solo mission was Valentina Tereshkova. She was even younger than Gagarin, only 26 when she blasted off. Do you know what all three of them have in common…? They were all Russians.

In fact, the first man-made object in space was also Russian, called Sputnik, (or Companion). And the first man-made object landing on, more like crashing into, the moon was also Russian made, Luna 2. So sometime in the far future, when humans will have colonized the galaxy, they can thank those brave Russians who risked their lives for all of humanity’s future.
